The Steering Committee, the backbone of the e-TAMKEEN project, plays a central monitoring and decision-making role by providing strategic direction, oversight and informed decision-making. Made up of representatives of the core member agencies and implementing partners, this structure ensures that the programme's objectives are achieved effectively and efficiently.
The preferred implementation partners involved in the e-TAMKEEN project include the Ministry for Digital Transition and Administrative Reform and the Digital Development Agency, and the Belgian Development Agency Enabel. The Nationale Administration Higher School was originally an integral part of this collaborative alliance.
Steering committee meetings are a regular feature, punctuating the entire project, where representatives of the funding orgnanizations and implementing partners take decisive decisions and set out the main guidelines for the next steps to be taken.
The steering committee's journey was initiated at an inaugural meeting on 31th July 2019, at the headquarters of the Administrative Reform Department. Then the committee set the course by endorsing the roadmap for the project’s implementation phase, starting a strategic and fruitful collaboration