
Contextualising the project

The "e-TAMKEEN project: Digital skills enhancement for civil servants (W&M) at central and regional level", with 3.5 million euros budget and for a 4-years implementation, focuses on enhancing the civil servants’ skills at central and local level to ensure more effective and efficient management of public services. The project aligns with new priorities, namely digitalisation for development (D4D). Indeed, e-TAMKEEN aims to support the reform of public administration through digital transformation with the implementing partners of the bilateral cooperation programme. The objective is for the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform to capitalise on the built model, so that it can be duplicated across the ministerial departments in the Kingdom of Morocco.

e-TAMKEEN partners and beneficiaries

The project partner is the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, a key organization whose human resources are both beneficiairies and coordinators of the intervention. Through the e-TAMKEEN project, the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administration Reform will be able to implement some parts of its strategy for modernising public administration and strengthen its role and its transversal action with other public structures.

The stakeholders are the main organizations directly involved in the implementation of the 2010-2013 CIP and the 2016-2020 FP:

The beneficiary administrations are:

  • The Digital Development Agency (ADD), as the agency leading Morocco's digital strategy, will benefit from the project's RC actions.
  • The National Administratuin Higher School (ENSA).
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and MREs and its International Cooperation Agency (AMCI);
  • The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and the Ministry responsible for the budget;
  • The Ministry of Solidarity, Social Integration and the Family and the bodies under its supervision (Entraide Nationale, ADS);
  • The Department for Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills and its parent agency ANAPEC;
  • The Ministry of Equipment and Water and the public establishments under its supervision (ANP, ONEE ABHs, etc.);
  • The National Council for Human Rights;
  • The Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights (Ministry of Justice);
  • The National Integrity, Prevention and Anti-Corruption Body;
  • Local authorities via the General Direction of Terriotrial Collectivities;
  • The Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fishing, Rural Development and Water and Forests and its supervisory bodies.
  • The Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development Department).

Project objectives

The Moroccan administration is providing an appropriate solution to the requirements of modernisation and the changes it faces in order to provide citizens with an efficient, high-quality public service.

The skills building intervention contributes to achieving this objective by strengthening civil servants’ digital skills to act as lever for modernising the administration, promoting organisational performance and leading to an improvement in public service. The overall objective is the final outcome of the programme as it will have an impact on the service provided to citizens. The intervention will ensure that the vorall objective is a permanent reference during the whole intervention.

The civil servants’ skills at central and local levels are enhanced to ensure more effective and efficient management of the public service.

Skills building concerns the partner administrations of the new and current cooperation programmes being implemented. The aim of civil servants’ skills building is to lead to the success of the administrative reform and, more specifically, its digital transformation.

The intervention is based on the following I.O.s:

  • IO. 1 : A skills-building approach, linked to the administration's digital transformation, is implemented in consultation with the beneficiary administrations.
  • IO. 2 : The strategic and operational skills of civil servants are strengthened in order to define, support, implement and use digital projects.
  • IO. 3 : The skills of the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform are enhanced in terms of communication, coordination and capitalisation.

The first two intermediate objectives target the implementation of a skills building approach in the administrations, while supporting the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform in its coordination role for the administrative reforme strategy and continuing training. The transversal mission of the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, as well as the important role given to the Digital Development Agency, means that the programme focuses on the following areas of digital skills:

  • Developing human resources and modernising their management
  • Simplifying administrative procedures
  • Digitalising administrative services
  • Support for decentralisation, administrative devolution and advanced regionalisation
  • Developing the quality of public services
  • Developing the relationship between the administration and its users
  • Access to information.
  • The third intermediate objective is to ensure the success of the approach through information, awareness-raising and communication initiatives.
  • In addition, the Ministry will benefit from support in coordinating and, above all, capitalising on experience with a view to its generalisation. All the products of this objective contribute to greater sustainability of actions.

A description of the platform

The capitalization platform of the e-TAMKEEN programme aims to facilitate knowledge sharing, enhance skills and foster innovation within public services. By bringing together a variety of relevant content, this platform offers an in-depth overview of good practice, successful experiences and lessons learned, to inspire and guide public administration players in the process of digital transformation and innovation

Training management

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